Amxbans 5.0
New features for the plugin - Cod:
- Amxbans now uses the new amxmodX module mysqlX
- amxbans.cfg now contains all you need to edit the plugin
- If connecting players have been banned before it is printed as amx_chat
- New command amx_unban <STEAM_ID>
- You can flagged/unflagg players in the menu
- New banhistory menu to be able to se players expired bans.
Plus many more (See the link to the big changelog below)
New features for the webfiles - Cod:
Made amxbans web files multilingual (Done by RUNET)
Splendid work :)
Plus many bugfixes (See the link to the big changelog below)
Here is a new version that has been developed by myself and Gizmo. (YoMama/Lux did the original amxbans 2004)
RUNET has also made a huge work and made the webfiles Multilingual so you can choose your native language.
You can add your own language in the folder includes/lang
Just copy the file lang.english.php and then rename it to lang.
When you are done you can change the default language in the Config page.
Normal users can also choose language in a dropdown menu.
Please PM me if you have a new language translated and I will add it
in the web files package.Description of Amxbans
Amxbans is a system that uses a mySQL data base to manage bans and admins.
Amxbans handles multiple servers so all bans are global.
It has the plugin part that is used in the game and the web files(PHP) where you can manage bans, servers and your admins.
For more detailed information view the readme.htm in the download below.
Installing Amxbans Download the file below.
IMPORTANT!! Backup previous installations before you continueAmxbans Web InterfaceTo be able to get the web interface to work you need to check this:
Access to a MySQL Database. (Version 4.1 and later is recommended)
Website with PHP (magic_quotes_gpc must be ON and short_open_tag = On)
For users who upgrade the webfiles. Rename the old web folder with the webfiles to amxbans_OLD
Then create a new folder I.e amxbans and upload the new webfiles there.
Then if something goes wrong you can always go back to your old files.
Don't forget to give write access to the
includefolder and the
smarty/templates_c folder.
Also give write access to the
tmp folder so you can import banned.cfg
Never use your old config_inc.php file or setup.php file
Now go to step 4 below.
Users installing for the first time 1. Copy the contents of the 'web'-folder to a location accessible to your webserver (e.g. /usr/local/www/
2. Make sure that the user running your webserver has write-access to the
smarty/templates_c directoryand to
includedirectory !
Also give write access to the
tmp folder so you can import banned.cfg
3. Make sure you have a database available that will be holding the AMXBans tables.
4. Open setup.php in your favorite browser (e.g. and follow the instructions.
Note that existing tables will *NOT* get overwritten. If your upgrading from a previous version.If this works go to the next step and install the plugin
If it doesn't work, read the instructions again or read
FAQor post in this thread for help.
You will need to at least have the DB tables created or the plugin will not work.##############################################
Amxbans pluginCopy the files amxbans.sma and admin_amxbans.sma to your amxmodx/scripting folder.
NOTE- If you have more than 64 adminsThen you need to change the admin_amxbans.sma at approx row 44
Just change "64" to a number that is high enough to hold all your admins.
- Cod:
#define MAX_ADMINS 64
Then compile the plugins amxbans.sma and admin_amxbans.sma in the scripting folder.
The compiled .amxx file(s) must then be copied to you plugins folder.
There are compiled files in the plugin folder in the package if you dont know how to compile.
In plugins.iniinsert admin_amxbans.amxx
Note. Only if you want to use amxbans to manage admins
You must only use one of the 3 below - Cod:
admin.amxx if you want to load admins with users.ini
admin_sql.amxx if you want to load your admins from the admins table
admin_amxbans.amxx if you want to use Amxbans web pages to manage admins.
IMPORTANT. Place amxbans.amxx just after admin_amxbans.amxx AND before admincmd.amxx - Cod:
AMX Mod X plugins
Admin Base - Only one of them has to be activated
admin.amxx ; admin base (Loading admins from the file users.ini)
admin_sql.amxx ; SQL version (Loading admins from mysql DB)
admin_amxbans.amxx ; AmxBans own SQL version of admin_sql if you are using amxbans web interface to manage admins
In modules.iniBe sure to have the mysql module loaded.
- Cod:
SQL Modules usually need to be enabled manually
You can have any number on at a time. Use
amx_sql_type in sql.cfg to specify the default mysql
Language file.Place the amxbans.txt in amxmodx/data/lang folder.
Config files.1. Place the
amxbans.cfg in amxmodx/configs folder.
Edit it so it suit your needs.
2. Edit addons/amxmodx/configs/
sql.cfg so amxx can connect to your my-SQL server
Do a complete restart of your server so all settings are properly loaded. (Shutdown and then start the server)A few seconds after the server has started it should add itself to the data base. You can see that on the search page or directly in the database (table amx_serverinfo)
If it hasn't added itself to the data base you should check your amxmodx logs for errors and maybe edit your sql.cfg so the amxbans plugin can connect properly to the Data Base.
If you still have problem post in the
supportformGood luck and have fun with the new version!
NOTE Dont forget that atleast AmxmodX 1.76a is required to use this version AmxModX 1.75 should work, but if you want to compile the source you must have 1.76a.
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